©Copyright 2002-2008 [Shawn Nacol] All rights reserved |

| Sorry about the friggin' mess in here... I'm gonna get to it one of these days. Here are some After Ours appropriate links and books: Info on Film Noir & Gangster movies CrimeCulture: Excellent website on crime's contribution to pop culture. Introduction to the Gangster Films of the 1930s. The Development of Post-war Literary and Cinematic Noir. etc etc | Film Noir
| | 
| The Greatest Films: An award-winning, unique website since 1996, with interpretive, descriptive review commentary and historical background for hundreds of classic Hollywood and other American films in the last century. | 

Crime and Gangster Films 
FILM NOIR | Dark City: Film Noir and Fiction | http://www.eskimo.com/~noir/ | Film Noir: Classic Images | http://www.moderntimes.com/palace/noir.htm http://www.moderntimes.com/palace/film_noir/index.html | The Dark Room | http://cinepad.com/filmnoir/dark_room.htm | High Heels on Wet Pavement | 
| Dark City Dames : The Wicked Women of Film Noir by Eddie Muller Publishers Weekly: "Shot in stark black and white, dressed in negligees and toting pistols, the dangerous dames of film noir boldly linger in our minds. In this entertaining and often insightful look at noir starsMarie Windsor, Audrey Totter, Jane Greer, Ann Savage, Evelyn Keyes and Coleen GrayMuller recreates 1950s Hollywood, the heyday of film noir and B thrillers, and reports on these actors today. Combining interviews with his subjects, a comprehensive knowledge of Hollywood and an astute analysis of the social, political and economic pressures of the industry, Muller (Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir) shrewdly documents the role of women (as characters and performers) in the genre and the industry." | 
| Dark City: The Lost World of Film Noir by Eddie Muller Nominated for the Edgar, Anthony, and Mecavity Awards for nonfiction -- the only book so recognized by all three major mystery writing associations -- and hailed by Mystery Scene magazine as "the best book ever written on film noir." | 
| The Dark Side of the Screen: Film Noir (A Da Capo Paperback) by Foster Hirsch | 
| Women in Film Noir (British Film Institute Books) by E. Ann Kaplan (Photographer) | | The Noir Style by Alain Silver, James Ursini | 
| Somewhere in the Night: Film Noir and the American City by Nicholas Christopher From Library Journal According to Christopher, film noir exposes "the psychic labyrinth" of the postwar United States within which lurked the specters of nuclear war, communism, psychoanalysis, and wholesale urbanization. Christopher demonstrates his thesis through impressionistic readings of over 300 films, grouped around such themes as the city, money, and sexuality. A concluding chapter addresses the spate of neonoirs released during the 1980s and 1990s. | 
Late Night Merchandising & Infomercials As Seen on TV | 
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| How to Get Rich in Mail Order by Melvin Powers | 
| | http://infomercial.tvheaven.com/ | The Salesman of the Century: Inventing, Marketing, and Selling on TV: How I Did It and How You Can Too! by Ron Popeil, Jefferson Graham (Contributor) | 
| Originally published in 1996, Infomercial Insights still offer the same sage advice for those thinking about entering the television direct response industry.
"The first book to capture the soul of the industry. I read the whole book in one sitting!" – Response Magazine
"This is a must for anyone hoping to enter it (infomercial industry) and survive." – NIMA International (Electronic Retailing Association) | 
| | http://www.ontelevision.com/ | | | | 
Late night Legends Ginsu | | Diamonique | | Flowbee | | "This Business has Legs" : How I Used Infomercial Marketing to Create the $100,000,000 Thighmaster® Craze: An Entrepreneurial Adventure Story by Peter Bieler (Author) A chatty, fast-paced memoir of the Thighmaster juggernaut, from the initial spark to the marketing frenzy. Hilarious and weirdly compelling. | 
set up affiliate account | 
The Obie That Might Have Been After Ours also contains the greatest role of Emily Stone's acting career: Kiki Luz, which included a samba number with staplers and an inspired accent for which she became notorious. To this day she still gets stopped and asked to do this character at parties and in the street.